Welcome to the homepage for CNON-TV, Cog Nations ORIGINAL and NUMBER ONE RATED television station.
We here at Adbot Studios created CNON-TV in order to bring the latest in business, news, shopping and entertainment directly to your office or cogdominium. We provide a direct line from our salesman to the customer, and our station provides ample opportunities for advertising and product placement that surpasses traditional methods of marketing. Be part of the new wave on CNON-TV.
CNON-TV is the invention of famous television personality and Executive Producer of Adbot Studios, Montgomery 'Bolts' Barker. He took great interest in the development of the new Cog Nation and decided to join the company in its journey to providing increasingly top quality products. He helped develop the technology that makes CNON-TV possible- the Ultra High Frequency broadcasting network. CNON-TV is the ONLY UHF channel in Cog Nation. Accept no substitutes.
For more information, please check our other pages to learn more about our product lines, programming blocks, and department structure. If you require further information, please contact our customer service helpline, or click the link below.